VHS Beispielprogramm

Diese Seite ist im Aufbau Klicke hier, um die neueste Version vom Beispielprogramm herunterzuladen (Version Beta-1.0)Technisch notwendige Vorinstallation:Sofern nicht installiert muss das .NET 6.0 Paket für Windows installiert werden.

VHS Hilfestellungen

Diese Seite ist momentan noch im Aufbau. Knöpfe, Buttons Knöpfe (auch Buttons genannt) sind sehr einfache Elemente. Sie erfüllen einen Zweck: Man kann sie drücken. Nicht mehr, nicht weniger. Je nachdem, welche Funktion der Knopf hat, so steht auch ein unterschiedlicher Text in dem Knopf. (Es können auch Symbole enthalten sein). Dieser Text/Symbol gibt einfach nur an, was der Knopf tut.    Wenn mit der linken Maustaste auf einen Knopfgedrückt wird, so wird dessen Funktion durchgeführt.   Im Spezialfall kann es auch sein, dass ein Knopf deaktiviert ist. Das heißt, er kann nicht geklickt werden (aufgrund anderer Ereignisse oder Zustände). Ein deaktivierter Knopf ist farblich meist ausgegraut.  Beispiel: Wenn etwa ein Knopf “Bilder Löschen” deaktiviert ist, dann könnte es sein, dass bereits alle Bilder gelöscht wurden und die Funktion deshalb nicht mehr verfügbar ist. Textfelder Auswahlkästchen Elementauswahl Drop-Down Menü Auswahlknöpfe Mauszeiger Scrollbar Ladebalken


Ferienspiel Schwechat 2022 Auf dieser Seite finden Sie die Videos des Bewerbs “Stop-Motion”. Bitte verwenden Sie das Passwort, welches am Zettel ihres Kindes steht. [ppwp id=”” passwords=”sfs22 SFS22″ cookie=”” download_limit=”” whitelisted_roles=”” headline=”<b>Geschützter Medienbereich</b>” description=”<p style="text-align: left;">Um den Medienbereich freizuschalten geben Sie bitte das Passwort ein, welches Ihrem Kind mitgegeben wurde.</p>” placeholder=”” button=”Weiter” label=”Passwort:” error_msg=”Dieses Passwort ist leider nicht richtig!” loading=”Loading…”] Klicken Sie hier, um die Videos anzuzeigen. Bitte geben Sie das selbe Passwort im nächsten Schritt noch einmal an. [/ppwp]


Our mobile app “Heary” lets users check their hearing ability. Therefore it offers a frequency slider which allows personal tests. While we recommend Heary using headphones always check the devices volume before playing a note to avoid possible hearing damage. Does not require connection. Even installation is possible without connection. Requires one-time setup Frequency is set by a slider or entering a numeric value Only available for android Download Heary (android app) Version https://www.waldhoer.org/product-files/Software/heary-release_1.0.0.1.apk Installation To install Heary: Download your selected program version Install the apk file via system installer; it is possible that you have to give required permissions After opening the app, click on install. Heary will save progress automatically. What is happening during installation? While Heary is being “installed” it is creating new sound data on the local device which will be used for faster playback. With this method Heary uses pre-generated files for immediate playback. The “Reset data” button allows resetting sound files if there are technical problems. Bug Reports If you see an error message or the program is not working functionally please contact us or send us a bug report. (See our Bug Report Form). With your help we can provide better and more stable software for everyone. Thank you.


With the Texelected Tool you can easily process selected and copied text within a few clicks. The program detects selected text in the current window and allows quick editing of the selected text. The main functionalities are: Catch text that has been selected by the user Catch text that has been copied to clipboard Show both texts in a simple user interface Lowercase, Uppercase, Randomize text and print its result Save text and search for results with custom search engines Download Version https://www.waldhoer.org/product-files/Software/Texelected_v. Installation To install Texelected: Download your selected program version Extract the downloaded .zip file to a folder that you like Execute Texelected.exe. Voilà, you’re done. Frequently Asked Questions How can I use the program? You can open Texelected via Shortcut, Icon (At taskbar) or directly by clicking on Texelected.exe. With Texelected you can randomize, copy, modify text and overwrite the edited text string to your current clipboard. Additionally you can save the selected/copied text to a format of your choice and search for the selected text in your web browser with a button. In most cases Texelected can catch selected text from any application window. In order to work efficiently with the program you can allow Texelected to start on startup. Why is Windows Defender marking the program as dangerous? If Windows Defender marks this zip file as dangerous do not open or save the file. Depending on the defenders warning you may have downloaded a corrupted installation package. In this case, please use our contact form to send us a report. Does the program affect the OS? No, besides basic principles Texelected is not interfering with system processes. Why is there an error message If you see an error message or the program is not working functionally please contact us or send us a bug report. (See our Bug Report Form). With your help we can provide better and more stable software for everyone. Thank you.

Image Analyser

The Image Analyser program has been developed for quick picture analysis. After selecting an image the user gets a list of all colors that are contained as also other information about the file. Download Version https://www.waldhoer.org/product-files/Software/Image_Analyser_1.0.0.2.zip Installation To install the Image Analyser: Download your selected program version Extract the downloaded .zip file to a folder that you like Execute Image Analyser.exe. Voilà, you’re done. Frequently Asked Questions How can I use the program? You can use the Image Analyser to get all colors that are contained in an image. The picture can be ether selected by file or be a current screenshot. You can set how detailed the file analysis has to be by changing the selection on the right window side. After the results are shown you can click on a color to copy its contents. The format of the colors can be set in the right side panel. By clicking on “Advance Information” you can see more additional information about the picture. Why is Windows Defender marking the program as dangerous? If Windows Defender marks this zip file as dangerous do not open or save the file. This program does not require specific permissions, you probably have a corrupted or infected installation package. Does the program affect the OS? No, besides basic principles Image Analyser is not interfering with system processes. Why is there an error message If you see an error message or the program is not working functionally please contact us or send us a bug report. (See our Bug Report Form). With your help we can provide better and more stable software for everyone. Thank you.

System Watcher

With the System Watcher application you can register file events like renamed, changed or added files. It also enables the registration of processes, performance (CPU and RAM usage), Opened windows and their titles, Login Warnings (When does a user login?) and keyboard inputs. Important changes of the system can be sent to the user via mail. Frequently asked questions are answered in the section below. Download Version https://www.waldhoer.org/product-files/Software/System_Watcher_1.0.1.2.zip Installation To install System Watcher: Download your selected program version Extract the downloaded .zip file to a folder that you like* Execute System Watcher.exe A short tutorial will show you the basic overview of system watcher. And voilà, you’re done! *Please note: There might be problems if you delete the program folder without disabling the option “Launch program on startup” after System Watcher has been started once. Frequently Asked Questions How can I use System Watcher? The main usage of System Watcher is to check what happens with own files. Why are they changed? When? Who changed the? Additionally System Watcher provides other information about user activities that can be shown to the administrator or the user itself. Also the analysis of performance in combination with processes enables new options how to optimize thecomputer. Why is Windows Defender marking the application as dangerous? While installing different Security Programs like Windows Defender are blocking the installation of System Watcher. Sounds suspicious, right? No need to worry: Specific code elements in System Watcher that are essential for functionality can trigger Security Software. Depending on your software, the program can be moved to quarantine or be blocked while the installation. Before installing check the file details that are given above! Is the application secure? All products of the Line Monitoring Series comply with high security standards. System Watcher is an offline application, so it does not require an internet connection where possible issues could exist. Though there are several ways about insecure behaviour of users. (For example insecure handling of data) We inform our customers about this possible security breaches to prevent wrong usage of our software. Do other user know that the application is running? If the program is active it will be marked by an icon in the taskbar where it can be accessed. In case of many icons it can “disappear” in a collection that can be opened by clicking a little arrow in the right taskbar. If the application Key-logger is active a red or red-orange blinking sign will warn users about the active key-logger for their own security. This window cannot be disabled while keyboard inputs are being registered. What data can be collected? Here is a list of data that can be received and stored offline on the users machine depending on settings and will be stored in the program folder:– Date, Time– File Event: Rename, Create, Delete, Move, Edit– Paths to files and moved files– File size– Current User– Process name, ID and Priority– CPU and RAM usage– Keyboard Inputs– Opened Windows Titles– Webconnection active or inactive Does the program affect the OS? Not really. System Watcher was designed to be very performance-saving. The only edit of the registry files can be achieved by saving the settings. This is necessary to enable or disable auto-start. If errors occur that affected your OS otherwise please contact us. Why does the loading process take so long Especially when System Watcher has collected much data about a long time and auto-delete is deactivated it can happen that the application takes some time to load. Why? Because the program is reading and sorting more than hundreds and thousands of lines data. That can take a while Why is there an error message If you see an error message or the program is not working functionally please contact us or send us a bug report. (See our Bug Report Form). With your help we can provide better and more stable software for everyone. Thank you.